Hail Damage Repair Robinson Township PA

Hail damage repair is in great demand in Robinson township[ PA
Has your vehicle been damaged by Hail?
Most of us have seen hail damage repair that looks like the photo, but if you’re the unfortunate owner of a vehicle with this type of damage—you have come to the right place! With 25 years of service, we are confident that this vehicle can be restored to near perfection. Cars and trucks are designed to be taken apart and returned to pre damage condition.
Hail damage is scary, here's how it might go;
Scenario 1: Your Insurance policy covers the repair
- Determine the extent of the damage on your vehicle. Often times the owner only sees a few dings here and there, but under correct lighting you will see many, many more hail dents.
- Inspect your insurance policy; full coverage usually guarantees a hail damage repair is covered. Liability coverage will not cover the cost of repair. If your deductible is higher than the hail damage, it is not advised to file a claim.
- Get in touch with the insurance company under which the car has the policy and report a claim. You shall meet with an insurance adjuster that will evaluate and appraise the cost to have your hail damaged vehicle repaired. We recommend you to be present during the inspection.
- Beware of an industry tactic known as steering. By law you have the choice of repair facitilites. Often times the insurance industry can steer you to a repair shop of their choice where they can control cost.
- Set the terms of how the insurance policy compensation will be made. Don't cash the initial repair check if you are issued one from a field adjuster. There will most likely be more damage that needs repaired.
Scenario 2: If your Insurance policy does not cover the repair
- We will schedule an appointment give you an estimate of the cost and time of the repair. There is a $50 charge for this estimate. This $50 estimate will be deducted from the total repair cost if you decide to have your vehicle repaired by our company.